My Week in Images:

Turns out we are going on a bit of an adventure this weekend after all. We'll wend our way north to visit the in-laws, since an Easter visit did not happen as planned and a warm April trip sounds so much sweeter.

In light of the travel, here are this week's images a day early. I'm pondering whether to shift this segmant from Saturdays to Fridays permanently. After all, who wants to be on the computer on Saturday mornings come summer? Your thoughts?


Five little things that made my week:

1. The time spent at this coffee shop...

because of the company.

2. This rye toast...

because I've been on a toast kick this week. Don't know why.

3. This stack of wedding invites...

because even though we can't attend them all, I am so very happy for the friends anticipating marriage.

4. This cheese nub...

because sometimes fresh parmigiana is just about the best treat you can get.

5. This brown paper...

because it protected the floors from so much splattered paint.

Also, these thoughts on the world in light of this week.
And this article about  C.S. Lewis.

What did your week look like?


  1. You weren't kidding about all the weddings!! And I was posting on Fridays for the exact sentiment you expressed about Saturday mornings :)

    1. Indeed. I think I will try for Fridays now. :) PS. So glad to hear your shower was an encouragement, dear!

  2. May is lookin' like #3 for me, so lovely. This week has gone slow & I am highly anticipating the beach tomorrow with old friends(I always feel bad talking about the beach to non CA people, but since you asked :) )

    1. Weddings of close friends are such joyous times, aren't they? :) I have been craving beach time lately! So glad that you could spend some quality relaxing time in the sun this weekend. :)

  3. I, too, made it to Alabaster this week! Yesterday, actually. One of the week's very sweet (though brief) moments.
    I have been sick, working, moving things to the apartment, with very few pauses for breath. I sighed a few restful times next to Seth there before my shift yesterday, and it was the perfect place to do so!

    1. I am glad for the restful sighs; Alabaster is an excellent place for those, I have found. :) Hope apartment moving/ wedding planning is progressing smoothly!


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