joy is not a crumb

“If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don’t hesitate. Give in to it. There are plenty of lives and whole towns destroyed or about to be. We are not wise, and not very often kind. And much can never be redeemed. Still life has some possibility left. Perhaps this is its way of fighting back, that sometimes something happened better than all the riches or power in the world. It could be anything, but very likely you notice it in the instant when love begins. Anyway, that’s often the case. Anyway, whatever it is, don’t be afraid of its plenty. Joy is not made to be a crumb. (Don’t Hesitate)”
― Mary Oliver, Swan: Poems and Prose Poems

We lived near this city for four solid years. Yet, it is only now--after we have moved away--that we visit downtown most regularly. I imagine that my co-workers believe husband and I hold a deep love for the city of Pittsburgh--to them it it must sound like we are wending our way west nearly every weekend. 

I could explain to them that its not about the town--its just that all of our friends live around the area. That we are not enamored with the city itself; we simply value past friendships. 

Meandering through the market strip district, the four of us walked as the sunlight reflected off our upturned faces. It beat down strongly, coaxing the trees to bud and bloom before our very eyes. 
We could not have asked for a more lovely morning. 


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