on pros and cons (also, lets go back to Dublin)
We sat at the local brewery last night, eating garlicky sweet potato fries and talking about the future.
There periodically comes a time when conversations about the future simply need to be had, and husband and I usually take these talks outside our house. Decisions are more easily made with a latte in hand, I have found, and dreams more practically discussed when you take time to talk between sips and bites.
The live music was loud, the pints were cold and we had lined paper between us, listing pros and cons Ted Mosby style as we talked about life.
Don't worry, I have no news to report of any kind. Its just that all this talk about the future is making me itch for new things. New sights and newer scenes. The weather here is still far from spring-like, and without a crocus or daffodil in sight, I feel ready to bid Pennsylvania adieu for a little while.
dear husband,
Lets go back to Dublin, shall we?
Ahhh, you can never go wrong with a pros and cons list Ted Mosby style.